Medical Device REALQUALITY RQ-CMV - RQ-S09-48

The medical device REALQUALITY RQ-CMV is realized by AB ANALITICA SRL
Product CodeRQ-S09-48
Manufacturer of the medical deviceAB ANALITICA SRL
Tax code of the producer02375470289
Vat Number02375470289
Category NameCMV - NA REAGENTS
Category CodeW0105040205
Sign repertoireRegistered
Group of similar Medical devices62890
Medical device reference0
TypeMedical Device Class
Progressive number assigned to the medical device1240633
Effective DateSaturday 6 December 2014
End dateEnd of validity is not present for the medical device
End date tradeMedical device still on the market
Date of first publicationSaturday 6 December 2014

Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
