Medical devices starting with "vbr-"
In this list are all medical devices registered by the Ministry of Health that begin with vbr-VBR-0 11-15, VBR-0-N 11-15, VBR-0-SN DX 22, VBR-0-SN SX 22, VBR-0-X 11-15, VBR-0-XN 11-15VBR-1 11-15, VBR-1-N 11-15, VBR-1-X 11-15, VBR-1-XN 11-15VBR-2-T DX, VBR-2-T SX, VBR-21 TRAY TOOLSVBR-3-S 22 SX, VBR-3-S DX 22, VBR-3-SN DX 22, VBR-3-SN SX 22VBR-BODY REPLACEMENT VERTEBRAL CORPECTOMY CAGEAD-VBRVBR-S - DEPUTY BODY CERVICAL SPINAL