Medical Devices
Medical Device BSP T5.0 L12 - 50620T
The medical device BSP T5.0 L12 is realized by ORALPLANT S.R.L.
Trade name | BSP T5.0 L12 |
Product Code | 50620T |
Manufacturer of the medical device | ORALPLANT S.R.L. |
Tax code of the producer | 01196380933 |
Vat Number | 01196380933 |
Category Code | L0180 |
Sign repertoire | Not Registered |
Group of similar Medical devices | 20502 |
Medical device reference | 0 |
Type | Medical Device Class |
Progressive number assigned to the medical device | 273839 |
Effective Date | Thursday 24 December 2009 |
End date | End of validity is not present for the medical device |
End date trade | Medical device still on the market |
Date of first publication | Thursday 24 December 2009 |
Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
- BSP T5.0 SET 4-12 (9) - 50640T
- SET BSP T5.0 4-6 (3) - 50641T
- BSP T5.0 SET 7-12 (6) - 50642T
- BSP T5.7 L 4 - 57602T
- BSP T5.7 L 5 - 57604T
- BSP T5.7 L 6 - 57606T
- BSP T5.7 L 7 - 57608T