Medical Devices
Medical Device CA-71123-PN - CA-71123-PN
The medical device CA-71123-PN is realized by CARDIO DYNAMICS B.V. TRADING UNDER THE NAME CD LEYCOM
Trade name | CA-71123-PN |
Product Code | CA-71123-PN |
Manufacturer of the medical device | CARDIO DYNAMICS B.V. TRADING UNDER THE NAME CD LEYCOM |
Vat Number | 805538252B01 |
Category Code | C0104010101 |
Sign repertoire | Registered |
Group of similar Medical devices | 0 |
Medical device reference | 0 |
Type | Medical Device Class |
Progressive number assigned to the medical device | 622170 |
Effective Date | Friday 28 September 2012 |
End date | End of validity is not present for the medical device |
End date trade | Medical device still on the market |
Date of first publication | Friday 28 September 2012 |
Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
- CA-71083-PLCATETERE - CA-71083-PL
- CA-71103-PLCATETERE - CA-71103-PL
- CA-71123-PL - CA-71123-PL
- CA-72123-PN - CA-72123-PN
- CA-72103-PNACATETERE - CA-72103-PNA
- CA-61000-PLCATETERE - CA-61000-PL
- CA-61000-PLBCATETERE - CA-61000-PLB