Medical Devices
Medical Device CUP FIN II - 110350XXX
The medical device CUP FIN II is realized by GRUPPO BIOIMPIANTI SRL
Trade name | CUP FIN II |
Product Code | 110350XXX |
Manufacturer of the medical device | GRUPPO BIOIMPIANTI SRL |
Tax code of the producer | 10617240154 |
Vat Number | 10617240154 |
Category Code | P090803010201 |
Sign repertoire | Registered |
Group of similar Medical devices | 0 |
Medical device reference | 0 |
Type | Medical Device Class |
Progressive number assigned to the medical device | 68472 |
Effective Date | Tuesday 22 October 2013 |
End date | End of validity is not present for the medical device |
End date trade | Medical device still on the market |
Date of first publication | Friday 28 November 2008 |
Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
- CUP MEROS - 110385XXX
- REFLECTION INTERFIT CUP - 71334042; 71334044;71334046; 71334048; 71334050; 71334052; 71334054;
- REFLECTION INTERFIT CUP - 71334056; 71334058; 71334060; 71334062; 71334064; 71334066; 71334068;
- REFLECTION INTERFIT THREE HOLE CUP - 71336042; 71336044; 71336046; 71336048; 71336050; 71336052; 71336054;
- REFLECTION INTERFIT THREE HOLE CUP - 71336056; 71336058; 71336060; 71336062; 71336064; 71336066; 71336068;
- REFLECTION INTERFIT CERAMIC CUP - 71338046;71338048;71338050;71338052;71338054;71338056;71338058;71338060;71338062;71338064;71338066;
- MPF CUP STANDARD - DA 75001139 A 75001148; DA 75009715 A 75009719; DA 75011498 A 75011502