Medical Devices
Medical Device HYDROGUM - C302041; C302025; C302051; C302060; C302044; C302070; C302071; C302075; C302086; C302205; C302230
The medical device HYDROGUM is realized by ZHERMACK SPA
Trade name | HYDROGUM |
Product Code | C302041; C302025; C302051; C302060; C302044; C302070; C302071; C302075; C302086; C302205; C302230 |
Manufacturer of the medical device | ZHERMACK SPA |
Tax code of the producer | 00594630295 |
Category Code | Q010201 |
Sign repertoire | Not Registered |
Group of similar Medical devices | 0 |
Medical device reference | 0 |
Type | Medical Device Class |
Progressive number assigned to the medical device | 1409944 |
Effective Date | Friday 22 April 2016 |
End date | End of validity is not present for the medical device |
End date trade | Medical device still on the market |
Date of first publication | Friday 22 April 2016 |
Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
- ORTHOPRINT - C302161,C302145;C302171;C302242; C302240; C302245; C302120; C302125; C302130
- ZETALGIN CHROMATIC FAST SET - C301004; C301003; C301002; C301001; C302140; C302244; C302241; C302077
- HYDRORISE PUTTY NORMAL SET - C207010; C207012; H100007; H100009; C207044; C207064
- HYDRORISE PUTTY FAST SET - C207011; C207013; H110212; H110213; C207045; C207065
- HYDRORISE MONOPHASE NORMAL SET - C207006; C207007; C207040; C207060; C207041; C207061
- HYDRORISE HEAVY BODY NORMAL SET - C207008; C207042; C207009; C207062; C207043; C207063
- HYDRORISE EXTRA LIGHT BODY NORMAL SET - C207002; C207003; C207001; C207000; C207004; C207005