Medical Devices
Medical Device MC-1320-GDHK - 109584
The medical device MC-1320-GDHK is realized by GAMBRO DIALYSATOREN GMBH
Trade name | MC-1320-GDHK |
Product Code | 109584 |
Manufacturer of the medical device | GAMBRO DIALYSATOREN GMBH |
Vat Number | 814037677 |
Category Code | F900201 |
Sign repertoire | Registered |
Group of similar Medical devices | 3735 |
Medical device reference | 0 |
Type | Medical Device Class |
Progressive number assigned to the medical device | 79847 |
Effective Date | Friday 12 December 2008 |
End date | End of validity is not present for the medical device |
End date trade | Medical device still on the market |
Date of first publication | Friday 12 December 2008 |
Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
- GDHK-MC-1325 - 109705
- MC-1315J-GDHK - 109706
- MC-1320J-GDHK - 109707
- GTK-1215 - CG06100170
- -1215J GTK - CG06100190
- GTK-1217, 5J - CG06100230
- GTK-1220J - CG06100270