Medical Devices
Medical Device PAD SILICON CTI OTS - B-304010057; B-304010058; B-304010059
The medical device PAD SILICON CTI OTS is realized by OSSUR
Trade name | PAD SILICON CTI OTS |
Product Code | B-304010057; B-304010058; B-304010059 |
Manufacturer of the medical device | OSSUR |
Category Name | ORTHOSIS, KNEE |
Category Code | Y061209 |
Sign repertoire | Registered |
Group of similar Medical devices | 0 |
Medical device reference | 0 |
Type | Medical Device Class |
Progressive number assigned to the medical device | 85027 |
Effective Date | Thursday 19 March 2009 |
End date | End of validity is not present for the medical device |
End date trade | Medical device still on the market |
Date of first publication | Thursday 19 March 2009 |
Della stessa categoria di dispositivi medici:
- CTI OTS ZUBEHÖR - 23550/1; 19254; 22101; 22182; 21144; B-25003180X; 20601/4; FR20607; FR20618; 20610; FR20615
- SLEEVES OTS CTI - 2067X; 2068X; 2025X; 20448; 20449; 2005X
- CTI ® CUSTOM - B-116500010; B-116600010; B-117500010; B-117600010
- CUSTOM KITS CTI - B-70113000X; B-70513003X; B-70513007X; B-711130000
- CTI CUSTOM LINERS - B-411600112; B-411600114; B-411630114; B-411500112; B-411500114; B-411530114
- PAD SILICONE CUSTOM CTI - B-304010057; B-304010058; B-304010059
- CTI INLET ACCESSORIES CUSTOM - 19201; 22054; 22101; 19254; 21144; 22183; 99998; 99999; B-705130040; 23550; 23551